The Story So Far...

02 June 2010

Working towords something...

Last year I read over 150 books, which honestly to me seems like an accomplishment. I feel as though I have always liked to read, although that is not quite the case. I have always enjoyed stories and as a child my parents would read to me, but it wasn't until I became envious of all the seemingly wonderful stories a a few of my classmates read, that I decided to take up reading for pleasure in earnest. I wanted to know what was in those books that other people enjoyed so much. So years later, here I am with hundreds of books in my room and a frequently used library card.

13 July 2008


Someone once told me (about working in retail) "I zip more flies than a hooker!". She worked with clothing, but in truth, don't hookers usually unzip flies? Still I remember that line she said one day while walking down a store isle. I no longer see her very often anymore, but I think I will always remember her for saying that. I hope I am not remembered in future years for the silly things I say, though I guess it is better to be remembered for making someone laugh instead of making them cry.

15 October 2007


L ...............O ...V........V ....EEEEEE....
L ............O..O ...V......V .....E..............
L ...........O....O....V....V ......EEE.........
L ............O..O..... V..V .......E..............
LLLLL .........O ........V .........EEEEEE....

06 December 2006


To endure, through hardship, trials and tribulations... remain a stronghold... never give up hope...

*laughs with mirth and merriment*


05 April 2006

Vocab Lesson

Lesson #24 (on small words)

Sate -verb
1. To satisfy (an appetite) fully.
2. To satisfy to excess.

12 March 2006


There is nothing for me to say... I suppose I am a poor blogger in some ways, not updating for monthes cause I have nothing to "say". I am taking a creative writing class, so I do write, but... okay, fine, Here's a haiku I wrote:

Warm sunlight shine down

Spread your beams over me now

That I may feel you